Why "The Experiential Materialist?" This was a name a college classmate came up with for me.
I always wanted to direct a movie that would juxtapose all the different emotional experiences in a manner that the Movie Baraka did. Baraka is movie that is a merely a collection of expertly photographed scenes It is an incredible nonverbal film containing images of 24 countries from 6 continents that takes you on a visual journey. I feel life is a emotional journey - a collection of our experiences and not the material possessions that we are conditioned to strive for by the advertising driven economy.
Some of my idea's come from watching Qui-chang-cain walking across the dessert with nothing but his clothing and a small satchel across the country. He always had a newnexperience every week... it would be so liberating to be so comfortable with so little. Modern society encumbers us with so much material baggage ... like barnacles on a whale it weighs us down and slows us down.
When I lived in Miami, Florida - I learned to sail on Dinner Key Marina, where I learned many International Boats would weigh anchor. Some families would live on the boats. They could never accumulate very much as the boats would limit their belongings.
I experience the freedom of not having many physical possessions when I was in the Navy. When I left for Diego Garcia I had two bags which I lived out of for 6 months. I was attached to an P3 Air Squadron and which did a Quad site deployment. I often woke up at night wondering what country, and what time zone I was in.
I read a wonderful blog post at the following site:
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